Proof of concept in software development is a controversial topic. The person that came up with a software idea is usually convinced of its relevance. And stakeholders usually don't want to spend time on something that is not even going to be included in the final product.
Startups, Biz Dev
Proof of Concept in Software Development
Why Web Accessibility Is Important and How You Can Accomplish It
Accessibility is the process of removing barriers to meet people’s access needs. It goes hand in hand with usability, affordability, availability, and overall good design. This article focuses specifically on visual barriers in typography.
The Controversy of Accessible Type
The 8 competencies of user experience: a tool for assessing and developing UX Practitioners
A UX practitioner demonstrates 8 core competencies. By assessing each team member's 'signature' in these eight areas, managers can build a fully rounded user experience team. This approach also helps identify the roles for which each team member is most suited alongside areas for individual development.
Craft, Leadership
The 8 competencies of user experience: a tool for assessing and developing UX Practitioners