Information architecture is the process of categorizing and organizing information to create structure and meaning. This article explores not only the basics of information architecture, but also the broader view of the information age, how we use information and how it impacts our world and our lives.
Information Architecture
Information And Information Architecture: The BIG Picture
How To Write Email Newsletters That People Actually Want To Read
User interviews have become a popular technique for getting user feedback, mainly because they are fast and easy. Use them to learn about users’ perceptions of your design, not about its usability.
User Interviews: How, When, and Why to Conduct Them — NN/g
How to Write Proposals that Win 80% of Deals — The Startup
If you want high-ticket clients, proposals make or break your business. Learn how to write a winner. Most of the time, people don't believe me when I tell them that it's 100% possible to close 80% (or more) of the deals you write proposals for.
How to Write Proposals that Win 80% of Deals — The Startup